Choc Date Protein Balls

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oats 1 crushed Weet-Bix 2 scoops chocolate protein powder 10-12 pitted dates 3tbsp coconut oil 3 tbsp. honey or sweetener of your choice. Shredded or desiccated coconut (for rolling) Directions: Mix pitted dates in food processor until …

We are only human too

So I have had to restart my fitness journey again and have had to re commitment myself after a few health set backs. I started just before Christmas after getting back from holiday and I was doing well. I was …

I Get It

I had a lot of re writes and time to think over the past couple of years And I have come to realise that sometimes just telling someone about your journey may help them in some small way so it’s …

Self Doubt – Destroy It

Today I want to talk about self doubt. Probably one of the hardest things to overcome and the easiest traits that can derail any workout program or can prevent you moving forward in your life. So it has been two …

Berry Blast Protein Shake

Ingredients 3/4 frozen or fresh berries (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry or mixed berry) 1/2 banana, sliced 1/2 cup fruit juice or your choice. 1tbsp, wheat germ 1 scoop protein powder (vanilla) Directions Put ingredients in a blender and mix. For …

Are You?

I’m guilty of this! I always think: – If I was skinnier I would be more outgoing – If I had longer hair I would be more confident … – If I had more time I would do more – …

Green Protein Smoothie

Feeling a bit under the weather or need a pick me up then this smoothie offers the perfect dose of green leafy goodness & simplicity. As a suggestion have this as a great breakfast alternative. Ingredients Water 1 scoop vanilla …

A few tips during your transformation

Here are a few little tips in tracking your transformation: 1.       Keep your goals and vision board close 2.       Take your before and after photos at the front, side and behind – do it against a white wall with the …

Secret 1 to your transformation

This is the most important step and that’s why it is the first step! It’s the step in which you keep when you’re feeling down, want that piece of cake or need another serving at dinner. This is the step …

Coconut Almond Fruit Protein Bars

As a suggestion these are more of an early morning snack but very tasty Ingredients 1 and 1/2 cups shredded coconut 1 and 1/2 scoops of protein powder 1 cup almond meal or almonds processed to meal 1/4 cup almond …

Blueberry Protein Pancakes

Ingredients 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 tbsp. honey 1 egg 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 cup plain flour 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries Directions Mix together honey and egg. Once combined, slowly add the remaining ingredients, except for …

Simple Protein Smoothie

Need something simple after your workout or looking for something to fill you up? Then try this simple protein mix as a suggestion only two ingredients Ingredients Water 1 scoop of vanilla or chocolate protein powder Directions Blend or shake …

Chocolate Protein Smoothie

Do you have a sweet tooth that needs taming then this is the perfect suggestion to combat those midnight cravings or afternoon munchies Ingredients 1 cup water 3/4 cup vanilla or plain yoghurt (1 cup for a thicker drink) 1 …

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7 Guilt Free Cheat Day Treats

YESSS it’s Cheat day. Finally I can satisfy that craving for sugar and chips that has been nagging at me since my last weigh in day…. But wait – do I really want to undo all of the hard work I …

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7 Of The Best Free Fitness Apps

Are you struggling to stay Motivated, and sick of starting over again! Well all your problems are solved. With these 7 free fitness apps you will be on your way to getting the results your after with out any of …

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Six Awesome Trademarks of a Personal Trainer

At Ora Sports Fitness we have a variety of Personal Trainers whom all specialise in different area’s including but not limited to Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning, TRX, Weight loss and Group Classes. However, sometimes its hard to know what makes …

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The Fitness Industry THEN and NOW

Personal training and the fitness industry have seen many changes within the past 10 years. With there being more gyms across the nation, offering 24/7 access for its members and constant new trends its obvious how times have changed. It …

The importance of a healthy breakfast

“I wasn’t hungry, “there wasn’t anything for me to eat”, “I always skip breakfast”, “Toast is healthy enough”. Are you one of these people that always makes excuses when it comes to breakfast? Well, its time to change that. Right …

Traditional Cardio vs. Metabolic Resistance Training

Firstly, what is Metabolic Resistance training? Well, for those of you who may be new to this concept Metabolic Resistance training is about strength. It is focused around doing strength exercises which help to accelerate your metabolism, aiding you in …

Compound Movements

Compound movements involve multiple joints at the same time, promote muscle density and muscle strength, good movements for beginners and advanced people and they even promote hormonal regulation. There is a ‘Golden Five’ movements for compound movements. These include: squats, …

How To Create A ‘Get Lean’ Eating Plan

  Determine bmr (basil metabolic rate) The BMR formula uses the variables of height, weight, age and gender to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The Harris Benedict Equation Is a formula that uses your BMR and then applies an …

Is Group Training For Me?

Group Training Group training is a method of training used to engage a number of members who have similar goals and expectations they wish to achieve.  Involving a huge variety of types of group training such as; Boot camps, circuit …